September 17 – new deadline for applications for 2024 Female Leader in Sustainable Energy

Under the auspices of Germany’s international cooperation agency GIZ, the WISE Serbia women’s network is launching the 2024 Female Leader in Sustainable Energy contest. The call is intended for women who are professionally active in the energy sector in the Republic of Serbia and who achieved outstanding results. The new deadline for applications is September 17th.

The contest is for women from Serbia or abroad who are professionally active in the energy sector in the Republic of Serbia.

In addition to the option for the candidates to apply on their own, there is a possibility for companies, organizations and project teams to propose a colleague for the award if they believe she contributed to the sustainable development of the energy sector and achieved notable results.

There are no limitations within the contest with regard to the women’s profession or occupation. The contest organizer encourages women from different groups to apply: decision makers at the national or local levels, those employed in the public or business sectors, members of the academic communities, women active in the citizen energy sphere, nongovernmental sector, international organizations, consulting firms and legal offices, the financial sector and the media.

The application in Serbian must be sent by September 17, 2024, to the email address, and it should include:

  1. Nomination letter presenting the candidate and listing the significant results and achievements nominating her for the selection.
  2. The application form available at the link: has been filled out.
  3. Professional résumé.
  4. A short nomination statement to present the shortlisted candidate to the wider public (on the Balkan Green Energy News website and social networks). The statement can be in written form (up to 100 words) or in the form of a short video.
  5. Photo portrait in high resolution.
  6. Contact info – email address, phone number, social network accounts that the candidate is actively using.

After the applications are received, the selection will be conducted in two rounds. In the first round, members of the WISE Serbia Advisory Board will select the shortlisted candidates, and the second round will be a public vote on the website.

The 2024 Female Leader in Sustainable Energy award announcement ceremony will be held in the autumn at the conference of the WISE Serbia network of women in sustainable energy.


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September 17 – new deadline for applications for 2024 Female Leader in Sustainable Energy

September 17 – new deadline for applications for 2024 Female Leader in Sustainable Energy

Under the auspices of Germany’s international cooperation agency GIZ, the WISE Serbia women’s network is launching the 2024 Female Leader
Female Leader in Sustainable Energy

2024 Female Leader in Sustainable Energy Award competition announced – apply by September 10

Under the auspices of Germany’s international cooperation agency GIZ, the WISE Serbia women’s network is launching the 2024 Female Leader
Neda Lazendić

WISE Serbia Chairwoman Neda Lazendić embodies dedication, expertise, and leadership

In the world of energy, Neda Lazendić stands out for her commitment, expertise and leadership. She is the country manager