Women of Serbia

in Sustainable



The project is implemented by the Center for Promotion
of Sustainable Development (CPOR)
in partnership with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
and the Ministry of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Serbia.

WISE Serbia network of women

We are women from different professions but driven by the same goal – to contribute to sustainable energy in Serbia, the fight against climate change, and environmental protection.


Women of Serbia in Sustainable Energy – Leadership for the Energy Transition conference was held on September 20, 2023, in Dorćol Platz in Belgrade

Advisory Board

WISE Serbia, a network of women in energy, invites its members to participate in the selection for the Advisory Board.

Serbian women in sustainable energy
(WISE Serbia)

The WISE Serbia (Women of Serbia in Sustainable Energy) project promotes the active participation, representation, and strengthening of the role of women in sustainable energy, climate actions, and green economy with a focus on the role of women in energy transition, democratization, and decentralization. Energy.

WISE Serbia is the second phase of the project implemented in 2017-2018. and is implemented by the civil society organization Center for the Promotion of Sustainable Development – CPSD in partnership with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) within the project “Promotion of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency in Serbia”.


Neda Lazendić

WISE Serbia Chairwoman Neda Lazendić embodies dedication, expertise, and leadership


Maja Turković – leader of energy transition


Iva Đinđić Ćosić: energy transition opens door for greater role of women

Project supported by

Project 2017-2018 supported by