WISE Serbia will hold its conference Women of Serbia in Sustainable Energy – Leadership for the Energy Transition on September 20, 2023, in Dorćol Platz in Belgrade. It will bring together the members of the WISE network, which consists of more than 200 women who are professionally active in sustainable energy, climate action, and the green economy.
H.E. Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany Anke Konrad will officially open the event, and 10 speakers will present their views and visions on two panels.
On the occasion of the forthcoming conference, WISE Serbia’s Founder Branislava Jovičić said: “WISE Serbia is the first network of its kind in the region and it is also among the first in Europe and the world. It currently consists of 215 women who are active in energy, climate action, and the environment through their different professions and occupations. We are excited to meet new members and learn of all our new results and success.”
The WISE Serbia project aims to encourage the active involvement and leadership of women in sustainable energy with a focus on energy transition, democratization, and decentralization of energy.
Female Leader of Energy Transition award
At the conference, the winners of the first Female Leader of Energy Transition award will be announced. They are chosen for outstanding results in the promotion of green energy.
The awards were established by the Center for the Promotion of Sustainable Development and Germany’s international cooperation agency GIZ.

Initiatives worth supporting
The participants at the event will hear the results of new research on the opinions, awareness, and roles of female citizens – women in households and women in business, in the energy transition process and the deployment of green technologies, primarily solar panels and measures to improve energy efficiency in their homes and the businesses where they work or which they own.
The publication Role of Women in Household and Women in Business in Energy Transition – Initiatives Worth Supporting, based on the survey, will be presented as well.
The event not only aims to show the project’s results, but also to foster connections among WISE Serbia network members, raise their visibility, and further inspire them to take action, engage, and contribute to the energy transition.
Attendance is free for members of the WISE Serbia network or with an invitation. Registration for others costs 100 euros. You can confirm your attendance until September 18 at the following link.
The WISE project was launched in 2017-2018. It is implemented by the civil society organization Center for the Promotion of Sustainable Development – CPOR in partnership with Germany’s international cooperation agency GIZ, within the project Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency in Serbia and with the institutional support of the Ministry of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Serbia.